October 2021


(Charity No. 1122334)


SARDAR ZAMAN WELFARE TRUST (SZWT) has been supporting poverty Stricken families in Azad Kashmir through rebuilding essential community infrastructure to help alleviate the devastation caused by the major earthquake in 2005

The death toll exceeded 80,000.

recovering from the catastrophe – a challenge that continues

Millions were left homeless, displaced, injured and separated from their families. SUPPORT US SZWT needs your support to provide aid to the next generation of forgotten victims who are still alive today. recovering from the catastrophe - a challenge that continues

Key activities

Community Infrastructure

What we do: Renovate and build homes, What your support can help us do next is create a new multipurpose community facility on a dedicated piece of land. This will accommodate a school and boarding house, the provision of basic medical services, along with commercial rental rooms for income generation, including grocery shops and. Pharmacy.

Educational provision

What we do: Funding to cover teachers' wages, children's school fees, student uniforms and classroom equipment. What your support can help us do next. Ensure more children can access a high-quality curriculum

Food & Water Supply

What we do: Funding grocery
rations to support basic needs of households.
What your support can help us do next: Enable more people to access safe drinking water through building water pumps

Life Event From Cradel Grave

What we do and hope to continue: Assist impoverished people with essential matrimonial and funeral costs.

Medical support

What we do: Subside the treatment and medication costs for hospital patients. What your support can help us do next: Ensure more people can access urgent medical attention by sponsoring ambulances to transport casualties and women in labour from remote areas.

Your donation will help more people receive the essential support they need to sustain, nourish and enhance their lives. Please make your donation payable to: SARDAR ZAMAN WELFARE TRUST

Bank Account number. 31281496
Sort Code: 40-05-23
Mohammad Ashraf Khan

Mrs Firdos Khan
0795 845 4977  

Charity No. 1122334

For Donation

Sardar Zaman Welfare Trust emerged from the ashes of tragedy, born in the wake of the devastating 2005 Kashmir earthquake. Witnessing the immense suffering as the quake claimed over 80,000 lives and displaced millions, our founders took action. With unwavering dedication, we provided critical emergency relief, rebuilt homes, and offered vital healthcare to those in need.

Since those challenging beginnings, our mission has only strengthened. Today, we stand as a pillar of hope and resilience in Kashmir and beyond. Our efforts include:


  • Rebuilding community infrastructure.
  • Ensuring access to food, water, and education, we walk alongside our communities every step of the way.
  • We support individuals through life’s journey, from cradle to grave, offering assistance and compassion in times of both joy and sorrow.
  • At the heart of our efforts lies the Zaman Medical Complex, our crowning achievement and beacon of compassion. This state-of-the-art hospital stands as a testament to our commitment to providing free healthcare to the impoverished and underserved in Kashmir.
  • As we continue our journey, guided by our unwavering principles of compassion and service, we remain steadfast in our mission to uplift and empower those in need. Together, we strive to build a brighter, healthier

Zaman Medical Complex

In the breathtaking valleys of Azad Kashmir, amidst the rugged terrain and the serene beauty of nature, lies a beacon of hope and healing – the Zaman Medical Complex, a testament to compassion and commitment, courtesy of the Sardar Zaman Welfare Trust. Imagine the plight of the sick and injured, traversing treacherous paths for hours to reach the closest hospital. For them, every mile is a hurdle, and every minute is a battle against time. But in 2018, a ray of hope emerged as the Sardar Zaman Welfare Trust embarked on a mission to change lives, to bridge the gap between suffering and solace. Three years later, in September 2021, amidst dedication and determination, the Zaman Medical Complex was complete, a sanctuary for the poor and needy. Here, in the heart of Kashmir, quality healthcare became not a luxury, but a fundamental right. No longer did the less fortunate have to endure endless journeys for medical aid. The Zaman Medical Complex brought healthcare to their doorsteps, alleviating their pain and providing a lifeline in times of need. Within its walls, the complex boasts a comprehensive array of facilities: a gynecology department, pharmacy, patient ward, maternity ward, surgery room, laboratory, and not one, but three ambulances standing ready to answer the call of distress. But the journey doesn’t end here. The Sardar Zaman Welfare Trust dreams bigger, envisions more. Today, as we embark on a new chapter, the Zaman Medical Complex prepares to expand, to embrace more lives, to accommodate 50 additional beds, and to welcome new clinics and departments into its fold. With your support, we can make this dream a reality. Join us in our mission to spread healing and hope. Together, let’s build a future where healthcare knows no boundaries, where compassion knows no limits. Together, let’s write a story of resilience, of transformation, of lives touched and changed forever by the Sardar Zaman Welfare Trust.

What we do: Subside the treatment and medication costs for hospital patients. What your support can help us do next: Ensure more people can access urgent medical attention by sponsoring ambulances to transport casualties and women in labour from remote areas.

Our Project


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Our Medical



Zaman Medical Complex Tehsil Trarkhal District Sudhnoti AJK is a 50-bed charity hospital located 129 KMS from Islamabad at an altitude of 6502 feet in a remote border belt region of Kashmir.

Provide Health Care with the help of qualified staff & latest medical equipment Working on NO Profit, NO Loss Provide FREE medical Treatment to the poor & deserving cases

Housing Project



Donation Details 

Sardar Zaman Welfare Trust.   

Bank Account number   

Bank HSBC UK  31281496
Sort Code: 40-05-23


Mohammad Ashraf Khan

Mrs Firdos Khan
0795 845 4977  

Charity No. 1122334

Bank Adrees: 69 Part Royal Road London NW10 7JR Registered Charity in England and Wales (Charity No  1122334)



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